My NV Beauty Parcel

My NV Beauty Valentine's Day Give-A-Way parcel arrived!

Nicole sent me AVON'S "Be Kissable Sassy Soufflé Body Crème," "Be Kissable Eau de Toilette Spray," and Speed Dry nail enamel in "Adoring Rose." She also wrote me a nice little note and threw some extra goodies into the box!

NV Beauty Parcel

The extras include AVON's Nail Experts Soft Cuticles Warming Scrub, Moisture Therapy Intensive Treatment Hand Cream for Extra Dry Skin, Foot Works Conditioning Foot Soak, and seven lipstick samples, plus an ELF Individual Lash Kit.

Yay! I have lots of new stuff to try out. Thank you so much Nicole!

Don't forget to check out Nicole's blog, NV Beauty.

AVON Nail Enamel and Lipstick Samples

The nail enamel is very pretty and very appropriate for Valentine's Day—or any other day of romantic merriment. And those are the seven lippies.

NV Beauty Parcel including Bubble Wrap

There's also some bubble wrap for me to play with later. *^_^*


1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to took so long to get to you!! Eeekks! But I'm glad you got it and are excited about it! Have fun playing with the makeup and bubble wrap!!! =)


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